Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Adrenaline. This is hormone in our body that gives us all the incredible expirinces. The joy caused by fear. The strong feeling touching your stomach and all over your body. Every extreme situation that we are put to reflects on adrenaline. To feel that way you have to have high levels of adrenaline. There are many types of people doing different kind of crazy stuff just get that feel. Climbing, diving, doing extreme sports, putting their lives at risk and so on. You know them guys. You have seen them on your TV screen. Everyday there is news related to such extreme stories. Human mind is very interesting voluntary puttining your body at risk just to feel "good". I do not want to talk about adrenaline but a special group of people seeking it by 3rd party ways involving no physical effort.

Gamblers. A lot of them are not just involved for the money. They are playing all kind of games just to prove something to themselves. I cant explain it exaclty but i was involved into it for a while. I was very keen on betting on NBA games. The chance of making extra cash in couple of hours is really attractive and it does attract a lot of poeple fooled by the tought of easy money. I want to warn yall not to be one of these guys. I know a guy who sold his apartment just to gamble. And you know what? He lost. He has not place to live now. Nor his family. His wife left him. It is really really sad story. Beware and dont be fooled. No-one gives money so easy. These betting sites are made not to give you money but to take you some or maybe all you have.

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