Sunday, January 6, 2008

Strange nightmares.

Sleeping i a proccess that occurs pretty often. Lol i might say once every 24 hours. That is something real normal. As a matter of fact we all dream, everytime we fall to sleep. No matter that we barely remember what we have dreamed about we do it. Every time we fall to sleep we dream about something. Till here nothing unusual, isnt it? Now that thing that is pretty unusual are our dreams. We all dream about different things, depending on who we are. By saying who we are i mean what kind of charachter do we have, how we deal with everything. Our emotion, our relationship with others, our believes, our social situation and simply our everything. Everything that i just named reflects on our dreams while we sleep. The dream is affetct by the factors but it reflect our day that we had. Our not just our day but our present situation. It is trying to tell us something that we are missing or the dream is dream is trying to show you something that you are taking very lightly or you are missing at all.
The reason why i am telling you all of this is because lately i had a very strange nightmare which i still cant figure out. The story goes like this. It is in the middle of nuclear war outside. I was near bomb hide-out and i was almost undeground i was just picking to see what is happening above me. There are two exist one to the street from where i have obviously came and other one leading somewhere under the tunel i dont know exactly. Couple of seconds later a huge nuclear blast throws me against the well and blocks both exits with huge stones and pieces of everything around that was just devasted. And it was me all alone in something like tune a lil bit more wider. No way to unblock the exits or so. As i said i was all alone no food, no water, no nothing. Very filty walls, dust on the floor and aboslutly nothing else. There it goes the feeling that i am gone. There is nothing or no-one who can help me out. I was feeling like dying. I was so desparate and i was feeling like oh god i do not want to die alone, not here, not by my self. It was so fuccing scary i have never felt such real experince while i was sleeping. I still cant make it.

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